Sharing Bartimaeus with a Beggar

A worker in North Africa shares with us:

A group of us were out prayer walking the streets of our city. A beggar on the street heard us coming along and started to call out to us as we got close.  One in our group said to him, “I have no money on me today, but I can tell you a story and pray for you. Would you like me to?”.  We realised that he was blind or vision impaired.  Our team mate told him the story of Bartimaeus and how he called out to Jesus to heal him.  We asked the man if he could ask God for one thing today, what would it be.  He replied, “My body”. So we prayed for his healing.  He started to sob.  Tears running down his face, we asked him, “What are you feeling right now?”.  “God’s peace!”, was his reply.

How to pray:

  1. Praise God for this opportunity to share a story from God’s Word.
  2. Praise God that His Spirit and presence is so real that people can feel Him at work in their lives and are touched by the Peace of God.
  3. Pray for the healing of this beggar.
  4. Ask God to give dreams of Jesus to him.
  5. Pray for more opportunities to share with people in North Africa, the love of Jesus, His saving power, and His compassion and mercy.
  6. Ask God for a harvest to come forth all across North Africa from the seeds that have been sown over the centuries.