Spiritual Awakening — Turning to Christ Amidst Violence

When the Muslim Brotherhood took power Christians became targets of violence. Once the government was sacked Christians hoped that circumstances would change but it did not. More than 80 churches have been burned with many Christians killed. Winter is approaching and Christian families do not have enough clothes or blankets. However through hardship and violence Churches are united in a spirit of prayer everywhere. Christians are giving out a message of forgiveness to their Muslim neighbours. This forgiveness makes many Muslims discover the reality of Christianity and many of them come to know Jesus.

Thank God for establishing His kingdom in Egypt. Remain in prayer for this nation and ask God to strengthen the Christians in their faith. Ask God to reveal the depths of His love to every Believer.

–via prayer-alert.net 01/11/2013

One response to “Spiritual Awakening — Turning to Christ Amidst Violence”

  1. I am completely proud our brothers and sisters who delivers their message of forgiveness to their muslim neighbors in Egypt. I have been praying for Egypt and this story encourage me to pray more Egypt.

    Stay blessed (No thing can separate us from the love of Christ! Amen!), Hary. Jakarta, Indonesia.