Handing out Bibles in Egypt

A worker shares with us…

Reportedly, over one million Egyptians have left Islam in the past year, thus creating a spiritual vacuum and amazing opportunities for believers to witness. In one main city, believers organized a Love March on a main street as a witness to the Gospel. Gathering at a main intersection controlled by traffic lights, they spread out and went from car to bus, handing out Bibles—a very risky step of faith. Eventually the police came; however their only objection was that the group had parked vehicles holding more Bibles in such a way to block traffic; would they kindly park on the sidewalk (forbidden!) to solve the problem? They distributed 1000 Bibles on the first day and over 1400 the following day.

One Muslim woman passed by in a taxi, stopped and got out to help in distribution. “We need more of these—and you—in our country,” she said. Another Muslim was angry and attempted to grab and destroy Bibles. The young believers said, “Here you are, a Muslim, destroying one of the books spoken of with reverence in the Qur’an! Shall we report you to be arrested?” He ran away.

God’s Word promises:

It is the same with My Word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.

—Isaiah 55:11 (NLT)

Let’s keep praying for Egypt. Its a very important season for this nation. Ask that each of these Bibles handed out will be read, shared among families, passed among friends and pray that the Holy Spirit will touch the lives of each one who reads God’s Living Word. Ask God for the fruit that He promises.


Bible Societies in some of the countries where Christians suffer high levels of persecution are reporting a sharp rise in the number of Scriptures distributed.

Source: United Bible Societies