Can you sing over North Africa?

Have you ever thought about what impact your worship can have over the nations of North Africa?

Rather than “just singing” some songs, try worshiping with North Africa in mind. Purposefully lifting up the nations of North Africa while you sing. This is what Dick Eastman has to say about this:

“In a uniquely profound way, the praises of God’s people literally bring them into alignment with His throne and, thus, His full purposes and power. Said another way, God establishes His very throne in the physical place and among those people who are praising Him. This worship reality is essential to our understanding of how and why worship (and, in particular, worship-saturated prayer) is so vital to fulfilling God’s purposes throughout the world. Worship creates a heavenly climate for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

The Psalmist declared, “Sing praises to the Lord, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done” (Ps 9:11). Here we note how the spirit of the Great Commission (“proclaim among the nations”) is linked in this text with enthroning God – “sing praises… Enthroned…among the nations.” It is not without significance that within this admonition to sing praises to our Lord we see references to proclaiming what God has done among the nations.

The thought here is that God dwells – reveals Himself – where His people praise Him. He inhabits that very place. One Japanese translation of this verse reads, “When God’s people praise Him, He brings a big chair and sits there”. What a wonderful thought. Our praises become God’s throne – they literally enthrone Him.

All of this is profoundly significant in our understanding of intercessory worship and its resulting enthronement of God, whether in our daily personal lives, or in participating in the establishing of God’s place for the nations. Worship enthrones God! This worship reality suggests that when we begin declaring God’s praises over our needs or distant nations, we are literally establishing His throne amid those needs or nations.”

Choose a favourite CD and start worshiping with North Africa in mind and let your worship be your prayer, and ask the Lord lead you to pray further for North Africa today.

Source: Intercessory Worship, Dick Eastman, Regal, 2011 (pages 27-29)